estrecho - traducción al
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estrecho - traducción al

Straits of Gibraltar; Strait of gibraltar; Strait of Gibralter; Gibraltar Strait; Straight of Gibraltar; Straits of gibraltar; Gibraltar straits; STROG; Fretum Herculeum; Bab el-Zakat; Bab al-Zakat; Gate of Charity; Strait of Charity; Gibraltar strait; Straits of Gades; Strait of Gades; Estrecho; Gut of Gibraltar; Estrecho de Gibraltar; Njǫrfasund; Njörfasund; The Strait of Gibraltar; History of the Strait of Gibraltar
  • Simplifed and stylized diagram of currents at the Camarinal Sill
  • Europe (left) and Africa (right)
  • 3-d rendering, looking eastwards towards the Mediterranean.
  • The Strait of Gibraltar with the Mediterranean Sea in upper right. [[Internal wave]]s (marked with arrows) are caused by water flowing through the Strait (bottom left, top right).
  • A view across the Strait of Gibraltar taken from the hills above [[Tarifa]], [[Spain]]
  • Historic map of the Strait of Gibraltar by [[Piri Reis]]

Strait of Gibraltar         
n. Straat van Gibraltar (een zeestraat tussen spanje en marokko)
Strait of Magellan         
  • Strait of Magellan
  • View of the capitulaciones granted by [[Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor]] in 1534
  • ''Victoria'']], one of Magellan's ships, in the [[Museo Nao Victoria]], [[Punta Arenas]], [[Chile]]
  • Port of [[Punta Arenas]] in winter
  • breakwater]] for the harbour at [[Punta Arenas]].
Magellan Strait; Strait Magellan; The Straits of magellan; Magellan, Strait of; Strait of magellan; Estreito de Todos los Santos; Strait of All Saints; Magellans Strait; Straight of Magellen; Strait of Magellen; Magellan Straits; Magellanic Straits; Magellanic Strait; Straits of Magellan; Estrecho de Magallanes; Strait Of Magellan; History of the Strait of Magellan
Straat van Magellan (waterstrook tussen continent Zuid-Amerika en de eilanden ten zuiden ervan)


Strait of Gibraltar

The Strait of Gibraltar (Arabic: مضيق جبل طارق, romanized: Maḍīq Jabal Ṭāriq; Spanish: Estrecho de Gibraltar, Archaic: Pillars of Hercules), also known as the Straits of Gibraltar, is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates the Iberian Peninsula in Europe from Morocco in Africa.

The two continents are separated by 13 kilometres (8.1 miles; 7.0 nautical miles) of ocean at the Strait's narrowest point between Point Marroquí in Spain and Point Cires in Morocco. Ferries cross between the two continents every day in as little as 35 minutes. The Strait's depth ranges between 300 and 900 metres (980 and 2,950 feet; 160 and 490 fathoms) which possibly interacted with the lower mean sea level of the last major glaciation 20,000 years ago when the level of the sea is believed to have been lower by 110–120 m (360–390 ft; 60–66 fathoms).

The strait lies in the territorial waters of Morocco, Spain, and the British overseas territory of Gibraltar. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, foreign vessels and aircraft have the freedom of navigation and overflight to cross the strait of Gibraltar in case of continuous transit.

Ejemplos de uso de estrecho
1. Para frenar esta tendencia general los reaccionarios japoneses maniobran para lograr que la sociedad internacional reconozca el nombre del "Mar de Japon". Ellos tratan de cambiar por el "estrecho de Tsushima" tambien el Estrecho de Corea reconocido por la sociedad internacional.
2. El agua afluye por orden en estas lagunas hasta la ultima y tras pasar por un hueco estrecho inclinado cae sobre un barranco abrupto formando una majestuosa cascada.
3. Tal comportamiento deviene un grave acto que posibilita empeorar la situacion del estrecho de Taiwan y la region del Nordeste Asiatico.
4. Pyongyang, 26 de febrero (ATCC) –– Recientemente, Japon movilizo los buques de guerra y helicopteros para realizar ejercicios conjuntos militares con varios paises en el Estrecho de Malaca.
5. Por inmediato, la parte Sur debera garantizar en lo militar la navegacion directa al Puerto de Haeju y el paso completo por el Estrecho de Jeju por parte de las embarcaciones civiles del Norte, concluyo Pak.